The Grammys Really Can't Please Everyone

Plus, Seton Hall DJ suppression and Sting's biggest fan

Feb 13, 2013 at 10:32 am

You Really Can’t Please Everyone

There are a lot of winners every year at the Grammys, but organizers proved again this year that they just can’t win in the eyes of music fans. It was not even five years ago when the Grammys were routinely roasted for giving awards to past-their-prime legends like Phil Collins, Sting or Eric Clapton. In response, the Grammys made strides to give props to more relevant artists … only to be met with cries of “Who the hell is Arcade Fire?!” and deemed either hipster-wannabes or brainless-Pop boosters. Could they be blamed for going to an American Idol-esque competition format in the future?

Seton Hall No Fan of Scrotum Staplers

It should be pretty clear by now that if you work for a “Catholic” institution, you aren’t entitled to “free speech.” Music news site recently discovered the DJ of a college Heavy Metal radio show was at least given a heads-up about what blasphemy could get him fired. The DJ at Seton Hall’s posted on Reddit a list of guidelines from the school labeled “List of Bands Not Allowed to Be Talked About Over Air!” (catchy title). The note threatened suspension for anyone even talking about “anything with Devil, Satan, God, Jesus or any other Catholic references that are portrayed in a negative light.” (Like the Bible?) That was followed by a hysterical list of mostly underground bands not to be mentioned or played, including some blasphemously named (Adolf Satan, Baby Jesus Hitler), but mostly artists whose names express non-Catholic beliefs or are “obscene,” like Anal Cunt, Goatwhore, Rhino Clit, Cuntsaw and the too-close-to-home Abuses of the Clergy.

The Police Miss Sting

The manhunt for rogue L.A.-police-officer-turned-alleged-L.A.-police-murderer Christopher Dorner missed a chance to set a trap this past Sunday. If only they had invited him to the Grammys. Turns out, according to Dorner’s “manifesto” (issued days before the Grammys), he’s a big fan of Jay-Z, Norah Jones and Eric Clapton, as well as Bob Marley, who received an all-star tribute at the Grammys. He also called Dave Brubeck’s “Take Five” (way-too-briefly tributed on the show as well) “the “greatest piece of music ever, period.”