Any Hope for NBA in Cincinnati?

I'm a lifelong Cincinnatian, and it frustrates me to know that no one has taken the initiative to bring the NBA to a Cincinnati-Dayton market that's 3.1 million strong, around the same as Cleveland-

Jun 6, 2007 at 2:06 pm

I'm a lifelong Cincinnatian, and it frustrates me to know that no one has taken the initiative to bring the NBA to a Cincinnati-Dayton market that's 3.1 million strong, around the same as Cleveland-Akron. I read Bill Peterson's recent column about the NBA playoffs ("Order Is Restored in NBA as Spurs and Pistons Head to Finals," issue of May 23) as well as his 2005 column ("Cincinnati's NBA Connections Are Gone and Mostly Forgotten," issue of May 4, 2005) chronicling the history of the NBA in the city — or lack thereof.

They made me wonder why more Cincinnati area journalists don't write about the state of pro hoops in Cincinnati more often, to at least keep the conversation going among residents who deserve to have a chance to air their opinions on the matter. Just because the community as a whole has a reputation for March Madness doesn't mean the entire metro is disinterested in the NBA as some have suggested.

Basketball is basketball, especially if its LeBron coming to town for a night to represent Cleveland.

Kansas City, a metro area of 1.7 million, is a contender for the Seattle franchise because they got off of their hands and built an attractive new arena, a lucrative resource in any major city. Though KC might lose to Oklahoma City with the Sonics, they placed themselves next in line, which might not be long with the ineptness of the Orlando Magic, the struggling Grizzlies franchise and conventional wisdom saying that the Hornets won't last long-term in New Orleans.

I have no choice but to think that if Cincinnati weren't holding onto U.S. Bank Arena, we would be a more viable option to house a team than Kansas City. I would like to see Cincinnati become a three-team town during my lifetime, and I wanted to ask folks out there if there are any long term plans for attracting the NBA back to the city.

— Don Jefferson [email protected]

Keep Bad Guys in Jail
In reference to "Jail Tax Almost Certain" (issue of May 23), Hamilton County officials are proposing a new tax to build another jail to prevent early releases and overcrowding.

I strongly agree with the proposal if this would keep criminals behind bars for the amount of time in which they deserve.

As a mother of four, I have to be a protector and teach my children to be on guard for criminals. I watch the news every day and am amazed at the way criminals are getting released due to overcrowding. This frightens me. I would pay for the larger jail and hope other law-abiding citizens would also.

Criminals will not learn from any experience if they're being released early. They're put back out on the streets to repeat the same offense. Therefore they aren't learning any lesson and jail has defeated its purpose to correct the behavior.

County commissioners passed the jail tax themselves, and I say support them. We should do whatever we have to do to keep criminals off the streets and away from people who want a normal life.

— Ramika Freeman, Mount Airy

Plea to My Country
Oh youth of my country, how you've disappointed me. You soak in sin and laughter as the very walls of your empire fall down before you, and yet no tears have you shed for the place that has birthed you.

Do your selfish ways know no end? You lay wrapped in your blanket of freedom, oblivious of the terrors surrounding you. Our oil runs thin, drugs have made dope fiends of our children, homosexuality runs rampant and the terrorists surly have the upper hand. Still you sit ignorantly living off the interest of your forefathers, unwilling to share the freedom you've been given.

Lucky are we to have such strong leaders who through their selflessness have seen fit to save us from ourselves. Freedom does not grow on the trees of our country; rather it is bred through legislation, hard times and self discipline.

I beg you wasted youth, let go the things that give you foolish pleasure and begin saving for the bill that's surly come due. Only through our collective sacrifice shall we overcome the disasters of the world and restore freedom to our great land.

— Robert Smith [email protected]