Art: The Art of Food

Whereas manygalleries and art centers often serve food at the opening receptions of theirshows, Covington's Carnegie Galleries has had quite a bit of success going onestep further—actually st

Feb 27, 2012 at 2:42 pm
Cast glass toast byt Leah Busch and Sandra Gross
Cast glass toast byt Leah Busch and Sandra Gross

Whereas many galleries and art centers often serve food at the opening receptions of their shows, Covington's Carnegie Galleries have had quite a bit of success going one step further — actually staging an annual group show about what we eat. It's called The Art of Food, and this year's edition begins with a Friday night gala event on March 2 and then continues through April 13. For the sixth edition of this popular exhibition, the Carnegie will offer food-inspired artwork by Leah Busch, Jeffrey Hayes, Matt Kotlarczyk, Pam Kravetz, Sara Pearce, Jacquelyn Sommer and many more. The 6-9 p.m. Friday reception features art-inspired foodstuff from area chefs and costs $50 in advance for non-members, $35 for Carnegie members ($10 increase in price at the door). Advance tickets are available through the Carnegie box office, at or by phone at 859-957-1940. After Friday night, admission to the galleries is free.