Candidates On: Moving the Drop Inn Center

Sep 28, 2011 at 2:11 pm

As part of CityBeat's continuing election coverage, we’ve once again sent a questionnaire to the non-incumbent Cincinnati City Council candidates to get their reactions on a broad range of issues.

Nine of the 14 non-incumbents chose to answer our questions. Others either didn’t respond or couldn’t meet the deadline.

During the next few weeks, we will print the responses from the non-incumbents to a different topic each time.

Today’s question is, “There is a movement afoot to move the Drop Inn Center homeless shelter out of Over-the- Rhine. Do you support or oppose this effort, and why?”—-

Mike Allen (Independent): “With the development of Over-the-Rhine proceeding as planned, we need to make sure that we make the most appropriate use of property in the area. If a better location can be found for the Drop Inn Center, I would support moving it.”

Kevin Flynn (Charterite): “The Drop Inn Center is a private, nonprofit organization and the city should not be interfering in their operations. If the Drop Inn Center chooses to move out of OTR, I would support their move.”

Nicholas Hollan (Democrat): “I believe that the Drop Inn Center should be located in an area that is easily accessible to its clients. Any potential move would afford the opportunity to ensure facilities are of the highest standard to provide a continuum of care to individuals needing service.”

Patricia McCollum (Independent): “I disagree. I believe the Drop Inn Center needs to be accessible with our existing transportation and in the community where it is most beneficial.”

Catherine Smith Mills (Republican): “I will wait for more information and final details as this plan seems to still be unfolding, before making a final decision around it.”

Sandra Queen Noble (Independent): “I'll fight for human rights. When I ran for Congress last November in D.C., my plan was to have Bill Clinton pull a Monica Lewinsky on me before he kissed the Secretary of State. The court system and slum landlords created homelessness. They need to be rescued first in order to stabilized the public.”

Jason Riveiro (Democrat): “I support working with the Drop Inn Center and the Homeless Coalition and I am opposed to a forced relocation.”

Chris Seelbach (Democrat): “I support greater access for Cincinnatians struggling with homelessness and ensuring that our city’s shelters have the space and resources they need to provide a true continuum of care for all those in need. Having spoken with participants involved in the City Gospel Mission’s relocation, it seems clear their move will make their organization both more effective and accessible to more people. They will have the space for job training classes, greater resources for drug and alcohol treatment programs and of course, more beds.

“The Drop Inn Center has been a beacon in Over-the-Rhine for decades, but if they feel they can be more effective, have more beds, programs, classes and help more individuals in another location, I would support their decision.”

P.G. Sittenfeld (Democrat): “As we balance the city’s development efforts with our commitment to care for those most in need, I will look to all of the stake-holders involved to work collaboratively so that we can meet all parties’ needs, especially those who don’t typically have a voice.”