Chris Henry: A Young Man Mourned

Dec 17, 2009 at 5:08 pm

The story of Chris Henry had only recently become one of redemption. The oft-troubled wide receiver had by all accounts taken advantage of his last chance at a successful NFL career and become a responsible individual off the field. Henry died this morning due to injuries suffered during a car accident yesterday. 

The details of the accident that resulted in the 26-year-old’s death are still being determined, but initial reports of a “domestic situation” make one believe that all was not as well in Henry’s private life as was displayed in a recent Enquirer story about Chris Henry the family man. Read the story of Henry’s renewed dedication to family here.—-

For all his faults and transgressions, those closest to him respected him as a hard working and dedicated individual. Henry made a lot of progress during his short professional career, and it’s sad to think that he didn’t quite have enough time to grow into the young man off the field he seemed to want to be.

The story of Chris Henry is more complicated than most reports will suggest, rife with examples of unfortunate social issues, the difficult transition from poor kid to superstar and the seemingly insurmountable odds against those who don’t receive the help or guidance they need to succeed in life.

Check out CityBeat's "Chris Henry Is My Brother" blog from July 9, 2008, where we defended the young Henry for being so much like so many of us at his age. We feel for his family, friends and teammates.