Comedy: Darren Carter

Comedian Darren Carter has always seemed like a bit of an outsider. "Yeah, I'm a rebel," he says, laughing. "I think that was essentially true earlier in my life, growing up. As a redhead you are an outsider." Carter performs Thursday through Sunday at F

May 25, 2010 at 2:06 pm

Comedian Darren Carter has always seemed like a bit of an outsider. “Yeah, I’m a rebel,” he says, laughing. “I think that was essentially true earlier in my life, growing up. As a redhead you are an outsider. Something like three percent of the population has red hair.”

These days the Fresno, Calif., native gravitates towards his home life when telling jokes. “My wife is Armenian,” he says. “We were a little nervous to see what our baby was going to look like. Has this ever happened in the history of mankind, an Armenian baby with red hair? We were worried he was going to come out angry with an orange uni-brow. ‘Come on people what took so long? I’m hungry for shish kabob! I want meat on stick!’”

Some in his wife’s family still don’t quite get what he does for a living. “My father-in-law is in his eighties,” Carter says. “He’ll tell his friends, ‘He’s a joker. He takes people for their money.’”

Carter performs Thursday through Sunday at Funny Bone on the Levee in Newport. Tickets are $12-$14.

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