Comedy: Geoff Tate CD/DVD Recording

As the old saying goes, it never rains, but itpours, and comedian Geoff Tate is in a monsoon of exciting gigs. The Cincinnatinative recently appeared on the Late,Late Show with Craig Ferguson. T

Mar 27, 2012 at 3:27 pm

As the old saying goes, it never rains, but it pours, and comedian Geoff Tate is in a monsoon of exciting gigs. The Cincinnati native recently appeared on the Late, Late Show with Craig Ferguson. That came together after the talk show host saw Tate doing stand-up in Wichita, Kansas. Ferguson was performing at a nearby casino and decided to drop by the comedy club after his show. “Everyone in the place went up to him,” Tate recalls, but he was more nervous because fellow road comic Ted Alexandro was with Ferguson. “Ted’s one of my all-time favorite comics,” Tate says. “I just wanted to have a good set, because I didn’t want Ted to think I’d gotten worse. It’s too absurd to think Craig Ferguson is going to walk into this club and anything is going to happen.” But it did. A few weeks later Tate was doing a five-minute set before the Late, Late Show audience. In April, he’ll record a CD and DVD at MOTR Pub in Over-the-Rhine. “I’m a dirt bag,” he says. “I like hanging out in bars. I like $2 beers. And those are people like me. I feel we have that in common.” Through Wednesday. MOTR Pub, 1345 Main St., Over-the-Rhine. 8 p.m. $5. 513-381-6687.