Join 'Take Shelter' Discussion Saturday Night

Nov 11, 2011 at 3:37 pm
click to enlarge Jessica Chastain and Micheal Shannon in 'Take Shelter'
Jessica Chastain and Micheal Shannon in 'Take Shelter'

On Saturday night (Nov. 12) after the 7:30 p.m. screening of Take Shelter at the Esquire Theatre in Clifton, CityBeat contributing editor Steven Rosen will lead a discussion into the film's meaning — and what really occurs at the mysterious ending. —-

Writer/director Jeff Nichols' tense, provocative psychological thriller is about whether one man's (Michael Shannon's) terrifying hallucinations signal the onslaught of mental illness or are a warning of the pending apocalypse. Set in (and shot in) rural Ohio, the film is also a study of the pressures the Great Recession has imposed on heartland America, as well as a study of contemporary marriage (Jessica Chastain plays Shannon's wife).

Take Shelter has won numerous film festival awards and seems headed for many end-of-year lists and possibly Oscar nominations. Read tt stern-enzi's review here. And go here for more information on the post-screening Q&A.