Music: Ani DiFranco with Erin McKeown

From the beginning, Ani DiFranco has defied expectation. As a completely independent artist, she's operated and thrived outside the major label distribution system for two decades. She plays the Madison Theater Saturday with Erin McKeown.

Feb 23, 2010 at 2:06 pm

Twenty years ago, a good many savvy, too-hip-for-the-scene industry types were dismissing Ani DiFranco as a fringe dwelling, mohawked, my-fist-your-face Folk Punk evangelist preaching an angry message to an all-grrl choir, a hard-strumming one trick pony destined to marginalize herself into a narrowly defined cult performer of little consequence. Clearly, DiFranco didn’t follow that particular career path and her longevity can be attributed at least in part to her amazing diversity and her absolute unwillingness to be pegged as any one thing, musically, politically or sexually.

From the beginning, DiFranco has defied expectation. As a completely independent artist, she has operated and thrived outside the major label distribution system for two decades.

She performs at the Madison Theater with Erin McKeown. Get show details and Sound Advice here.