Music: Keller Williams

There is one absolute rule in Keller Williams’ world: There are no rules.Using the Grateful Dead’s improbable diversity as a jumping-off point, Williams has created an astonishingly broad catalog

Jan 15, 2014 at 1:15 pm
click to enlarge Keller Williams
Keller Williams

There is one absolute rule in Keller Williams’ world: There are no rules.

Using the Grateful Dead’s improbable diversity as a jumping-off point, Williams has created an astonishingly broad catalog over the past two decades, tossing every conceivable genre spice in his musical gumbo. As Williams stirs the pot, almost anything is likely to bubble to the surface in varying degrees and combinations. And no matter how many ingredients are incorporated into the recipe — Folk, Bluegrass, Pop, Prog, Jazz, Dance, Alternative Rock, Blues — Williams’ musical mastery assures a unique and delicious dish every time.

In a departure from his solo identity, Williams’ latest musical foray finds him ass-deep in the rhythmic bog known as Funk, which also happens to be the title of his latest album with his newly minted Jazz/Soul/Funk band, More Than a Little (MTAL).

Keller Williams and More Than a Little play Covington's Madison Theater on Thursday, Jan. 16. Click here for ticket info and more details.