One-Third of Ohio Residents Say Alcohol Is Part of Their 'Self Care'

It's always "me time" somewhere.

Sep 30, 2021 at 8:42 am
click to enlarge It's "me time" somewhere. - Photo: Olya Prutskova, Pexels
Photo: Olya Prutskova, Pexels
It's "me time" somewhere.

Well, Ohio, it looks like we're still boozing it up to avoid falling apart over what has happened during the past year and a half.

A new survey from, a directory of addiction centers, reports that 32% of Ohioans — or about one-third of Buckeye State residents — are hitting the sauce to cope with things, saying that alcohol plays a role in their "me time."

Ohio's figure is in line with the national average, Detox says, but it doesn't match what people in Wisconsin are doing. It turns out that 53% of Cheeseheads rely on alcohol to relax. Both states' booze usage is well above Utah's, where just 9% of respondents imbibe.

In an email to CityBeat, Detox adds that nationally, 44% of survey respondents claim that drinking alone is part of self-care. Then again, one in 10 question if they are addicted to the hooch when they do so. On average, survey respondents have 1.5 beverages per "self-care session."

For its data, Detox conducted the survey among 3,000 Americans in August. See the full state-by-state breakdown.

With the COVID-19 pandemic still happening, many folks continue to find ways to cope. Earlier this year, a survey indicated that 66% of Ohioans chased a shopping high to distract themselves from our shared coronavirus nightmare. Moreover, 30% of people surveyed had bought alcohol that’s more luxurious than what they typically imbibe. And alcohol makes it less likely that you’ll make good decisions, so it’s no surprise that 15% said they’ve shopped while drunk.

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