Pathways to Serenity

Serenity, like happiness, is a byproduct. Like planting a garden, we reap what we sow in consciousness. Plant watermelons, get watermelons.It helps to know that we're part and parcel of the continu

Oct 3, 2007 at 2:06 pm

Serenity, like happiness, is a byproduct. Like planting a garden, we reap what we sow in consciousness. Plant watermelons, get watermelons.

It helps to know that we're part and parcel of the continuing process of creation and that the whole of the universe courses through our veins. As part of our cosmic inheritance, we have dominion over all conditions.

Outside circumstance need not dictate our inner state and experience of reality. It's all an inside job. There is a center within us all where peace abides in fullness and promotes mental tranquility beyond circumstance.

We progress toward the experience of serenity by harboring no resentment, jealousy or envy against anyone, knowing that to do so puts us in chains. Equanimity blossoms.

By practicing forgiveness we are forgiven. We free ourselves from the bondage of condemning others, and we are not condemned.

Practicing compassion helps pave the way to serenity. Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep.

Compassion — composed of wisdom, understanding and love — lets us know that we are one in spirit and dissolves the fallacy of separation caused by clinging to ego identity.

When we cultivate tolerance and practice goodwill to all, the seeds of serenity are being planted. We don't seek to impose our ideas or opinions on others, nor do we necessarily accept theirs. We grow in listening by being present and attentive.

Gratitude helps fill the heart with loving kindness for all. One who is at peace with the world and one's own condition is free from anxiety and fear.

Worry and fear are poisonous phantoms. Trust, courage and faith are the antidote. When we experience the peace that surpasses understanding we know serenity in our consciousness.

Ponder these words by the Hindu sage Sri Chinmoy:

Doubt is the prose of the mind.

Faith is the poetry of the heart.

Aspiration is the song of the soul.

Realization is the dance of life.

It is my sincerest wish to see us dance.

RON ESPOSITO is a certified Life Coach, Enneagram Teacher/Trainer and 12-Step Recovery Facilitator at the Conscious Living Center in Mount Auburn. 513-621-3600. Email: Ron.Esposito(at)