Half of Terence Hammonds Protest Platter Sales This Week Will Go to the Cincinnati Bail Out Fund

The serving platters depict different scenes of contemporary and historical protests against injustice in the United States and are now available at Wave Pool’s online store

Jun 2, 2020 at 4:05 pm
click to enlarge Protest Platters - Photo: Wave Pool
Photo: Wave Pool
Protest Platters

Fifty “Protest Platters” designed by local artist Terence Hammonds that depict different scenes of contemporary and historical protests against injustice in the United States are now available at Wave Pool’s online store.

A collaboration between Hammonds; The Welcome Project, which brings immigrant and minority communities in the city together through art and community activities; and Breakfront Pottery, these serving platters are designed to “remind us of those who take to the streets to create change” and feature both contemporary and historical figures who have fought for racial and social justice.

Describing his work as a “cultural self-portrait," Hammonds, a printmaker from Cincinnati, is known for his art depicting black culture and empowerment in the black community. Each of the 50 platters are signed by Hammonds and have been co-created with artists Pedro Moreno, Adriana Prieto Quintero, Monica Andino and Erika Nj Allen from The Welcome Project.

From June 1 to June 7, 50 percent of sales from the platters will go directly to the Cincinnati Bail Fund in support of those arrested during the ongoing protests throughout the city following the deaths of black citizens like George Floyd in Minneapolis and Breonna Taylor in Louisville at the hands of police, as well as other racially motivated murders across the country.

You can purchase the platters and support other local art at Wave Pool’s online store at wavepoolgallery.org/shop/protest-platters