Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit

The line of actors who have assumed the role of Jack Ryan (Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford and Ben Affleck) certainly aspires to the James Bond astrological chart, although the fact that there have on

Jan 15, 2014 at 12:16 pm

The line of actors who have assumed the role of Jack Ryan (Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford and Ben Affleck) certainly aspires to the James Bond astrological chart, although the fact that there have only been a handful of movies featuring the Tom Clancy character dampens the bright lights a bit. Now Chris Pine takes over his second notable franchise — following his emergence as the new Captain Kirk in the successful Star Trek reboots — and, like Daniel Craig, his Ryan is a newbie thrown into danger in London with an old-school Russian adversary (director Kenneth Branagh coming back to Earth after his time behind the reins of Thor) and assistance from a far more action-oriented mentor (Kevin Costner). Opens wide Jan. 17. (PG-13) Not screened in time for review